Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to control bandwidth consumption for SnapMirror transfers (throttling) ?

Throttle network usage can be configured on a per transfer basis, using the kbs argument in the snapmirror.conf.

Dynamic throttle allows you to change the throttle value for a SnapMirror relationship while the transfer is active. This feature is available from Data ONTAP 7.1 and later.
snapmirror throttle <n> dst_hostname:dst_path
<n> is the new throttle value in kilobytes per second

System-wide throttling is available from Data ONTAP 7.2 and later and limits the total bandwidth used by all transfers at any time (SnapMirror and SnapVault transfers).
There are three options.

a) Enable or disable system-wide throttling on all systems: replication.throttle.enable [on|off]

b) Set maximum bandwidth for all incoming transfers: replication.throttle.incoming.max_kbs <value>

c) Set maximum bandwidth for all outgoing transfers: replication.throttle.outgoing.max_kbs <value>

The default value is unlimited, which means there is no limit on total bandwidth used. Valid transfer rate values are 1 to 125,000 kilobytes per second.

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